Where I got the idea, I don't remember. But years ago, I wanted some kind of plate rack to display treasured plates. I had it in my head it was Swedish inspired; or maybe I was looking at a book about Swedish interiors. (It's part of my heritage, and I really like the clean lines!) Here are a few different plate rack designs I found:
I like the shelf on top and shaker pegs below the plate displays
Green always catches my eye!
All the white on white -- must be Swedish inspired!
A simple rack/cabinet, more practical than for displays.
Wouldn't a colorful set of Fiesta Ware look good in this?
Nice Blue and White touches :)
This one intrigued me, because its a lot of silver
or is it pewter? Very interesting plate rack
Classic for the DIY - plate rack from an old pallet!
Lots of fancy boards framing up this plate rack
The soft green on green is very cozy, soothing

Another example of a pallet used as a plate rack.
Love the rustic looking kitchen!
This one is mine - for about $40 worth of poplar,
a small jar of stain, and a little trial and error
when assembling, getting the shelf portion
and front piece to hold the plates without letting them slip through.
My antique Vernon Ware "Linda" can now be on display :)
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